Welcome to the new semester! It’s been awhile — if you were on the mailing list, you should’ve received an email to let you know that from now on, updates will be made on this web site. If anyone you know is interested, point them here!
First, the When2Meet from last semester has been gathering potential time slots, and we’re converging on Fridays, from 4:00-5:00PM. We’ve booked the rooms as of today, and this is WAL 4510 for all meetings this semester.
There are also a few changes in the activities and meeting styles that we’re planning on instituting now that our meetings are growing — we’ll try to gather board games to have available at every meeting. So far, we’re planning on bringing Catan, Go, Chinese chess (which will probably require an explainer, don’t worry, I have no clue what it is either).
We’ll have a deck of cards and probably an assortment of other things once other people start coming and bringing their own — feel free to bring any games you might have. We’ll discuss having a future movie night — feel free to give movie ideas!
All this being said, our inaugural meeting for the semester will be held next Friday, January 24 (we weren’t on-time to get rooms booked for this Friday, so it will be one more week until we begin).
…and, one more thing — Lunar New Year is coming soon. If you have any ideas or plans for what we could do related to this either at our first or second meetings, they’d absolutely be welcome. We don’t have anything set in place at the moment.
Until then, 好好學中文!
Last modified on 2025-01-14